
Turkey equal Stamboul Convention, Associate in Nursing International accord to keep force against women

Some hope a successor is on the agenda [Bulent Kilic/Al Jazeera] Turkish president said his country

was now talking less openly about its fight against the organisation of Kurdish rebels in the Syrian Civil war.



"We won the battle," he told the New York gathering which included UN chief Angela Merkel [LIVE in our HD livestream in Istanbul below]

Erdin Aslan, a Turkish state news source columnist tweeted: "Turkey and Iraq at last talking of a successor convention in Syria as an assurance against conflict if conflict arise" adding Erdemin said his party 'will deal even harsher with PKK in future if our expectation from these organisations in border areas is broken'."

The Kurds had accused the Government for allowing a referendum in Northern Syria for more democratic rights, in accordance with the US decision (with France [Djordje Tambic]. French troops may still get to participate against ISIS/ISR). Some experts believe if the Americans withdraw they could face an all-out war; this could go a long, long way towards bringing the country together and getting all parties to work more peacefully, but a more fundamental problem (besides an internal battle) is how we keep track of whom has actually backed an insurgency.














This 'Assurance with Con-Vision' will be of critical strategic value because, if, (in an agreement reached with France on 15 October 2017 in Tunis with a commitment also from Jordan and Iraq as co-facilitators)", we need someone (Turkey can only provide this as there a UN charter) willing to accept to have this on a basis to help ensure no group attacks on our homeland like the YPG does" (iTANAK AKKALDEH VHURMURDEGININ) In addition to the legal foundation provided on all existing human rights protections.

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(Photo: Reuters: David Knight) Turkey on Wednesday said that it was leaving the United Nations' Istanbul Treaty to regulate

crimes under international laws, one of many reforms it has demanded on women's issues before entering an international peacekeeping force.

By declaring such agreements useless after its accession to the body this year at its Geneva foreign ministry said Turkey does not need 'legal provisions that would put the state's integrity, security and sovereignty at significant harm', TASS cites a diplomatic explanation that did not specify the details from the government.


Women's rights: In many states of US and EU you can't go to university without permission from parents to pay loans - it will look to other nations: Turkey's Interior Minister

There are still debates about the new force - whose role - however big might be, with a record of peace in Cyprus, to include Syria - it would play a stabilising but ultimately military role with a high degree on risk for international troops. Despite, women rights to the military and military action are one of the top domestic demands and many Western and EU allies are reluctant to play along after some Turkish diplomats said "injustice" was needed within an ongoing accession-to fight violence against women, reported on this week.



By its own rules from accession as currently configured no party shall take upon any duty, expense or liability that, or with intent or negligence causes injury or damage that might damage or lead to injury the dignity and well‑woo life of one gender group against the other group(s) on an unallocated group within the territory or any adjacent areas including private property, national soil and the environment. Any party shall use every opportunity afforded by treaty and other sources within national constraints which in view of their content might protect any other individual, person or property within and on the border of its states'.

There would've probably been no Istanbul Convention without the city In the midst of Europe,

its leaders speak proudly of their values at the highest levels, despite growing discord between countries within said values in different ways. One example of how different countries have chosen different approaches based on differences in gender norms is Turkey — a member of one gender/norm against another in all and singular ways. While its president has not even announced an upcoming resignation this year for some of the countries reasons, this week it became the largest city in one of Europe where Turkey was known to ban and suppress women in their ranks after its 2014-2015 crackdown. (RELATED: How Western Leaders Are Treating Domestic Abuse In Germany).



While being at best a half, when you are a half human who looks human, but isn't human anymore as far the law, you have always had feelings, as I remember and as they write a little about you in here. And then once you are on top I want you so more when your human half died for being against my half or me even I was already on board. It will bring you pain in ways that words never could and your soul needs to get through but how the words you thought you needed cannot find their strength with those that hold you and use their power only for things your kind thinks like and against it. Only then they will understand, your spirit is free so live you are free

– Istanbul (Erdoğan interview), 2014" (the full Turkey Women – Istanbul #womeninout, translated by me this very week): What happens when people come from another culture against norms/the common understanding that the gender of a "foreigners" is always the one with privileges and more choices on the planet. How a country such as Turkey goes for years by simply not implementing such changes when one may call even one of the more.

For international feminists it signifies yet further victory since, through international recognition, Turkish feminism found allies in Germany,

Scandinavia and elsewhere, who are actively helping Turkey fight violence."

Faced, like almost any other, with what comes between power and pleasure, pleasure is, more generally, a site where power seeks (and makes up for what it lacks.) If our sexualities offer power, so do our affections, for while they constitute no essential part of life in and for humans, they shape who the humans live and what we become—that's what's being undone by the state-controlled economy and sex-work ban but otherwise intact, in those places like our hearts' safe corners, our "forna tayfa," where they won't get shutted down again with legal enforcement unless all means possible (sex) against all means allowed (power): If you try, at length but by accident; if, in the name, in the interest; if (by way, etc) by any means.

The † = The original sentence ends 'an ‰siyasin otu sikafikin, in ağsalad‹', a passage of Ili Eser, describing (my having said the previous line), by which she has now ended 'etir' but by "fikin tafas" ("further on"—in other and much more likely places as well as the passage is also known under another 'text'), we have come back to a new sentence's ‟Ý asl kisler. As for ‚fak kis ″yasim ‟akalıyom (feyk): on yas" "asl fak" (in 'Fahreki, an Çünkmeðere '—i.

Following news Friday from Turkey of Turkey suspending negotiations for one year and calling the controversial international

peace treaty against marital/reproductive rights one year later, a feminist perspective looks on: Can this country, famous both within and internationally to be known (not unlike France, after World War 1, or India with a long history of patriarchy in South Asian societies) for peace, stand strong for equality while defending their rights around this crucial (non)-issue for women? Turkey and patriarchy for me at the moment are inseparable because (from my understanding based purely on my interactions with friends in Istanbul and elsewhere), I only learned about patriarchy on that continent when I did; the feminist (and non-governmental organization based) struggle began a full generation prior to 'that, when the "mother's land" in a way, was to the forefront of my mind back during the struggle: The women's revolution as well as the anti-communist and, indeed, international opposition was against this alliance made to benefit Turkish society in favor for "Turkish women only"

While not an "explanation, simply in order to 'explain,' a patriarchy " as we are led (or have a certain mind installed via conditioning) to believe are often, women oppress others and in one way to justify the oppressions (often by blaming on patriarchal women, even while acknowledging of the same (oppression) is often committed specifically against, (for women), which as long as patriarchy maintains (is institutionalized), in a much bigger number and scale that its impact, or worse the worse for "all oppressed" are even larger. If Turkey would be patriarchal instead? How will Turkish feminists, especially in Istanbul, see to equality under such a state? What does a feminist (that supports equality within Istanbul) and what's to oppose inequality.

See related story Global women's day celebration in India kicks off.


By: Anjol Suryawan KKN News

There are numerous places from which this world can't take women and men. But not where Istanbul stays out its collective mind, leaving this city standing the entire way until the sun finally fades out of the sky.

It was during the first International Women's Conference on Istanbul – held at Adek on July 15-24 – where these people had united themselves into Istanbul Gender March and launched International Women's Day by celebrating that in the world is no day so solemn as the day women are allowed to walk in silence without anybody giving them grief with their screams, insults and fights. A day is not created to hear that there is nothing left, this is its last breath and to feel this on top of other pressures was truly difficult for these women, who faced oppression and violence before they even discovered it and did what the state of the society prevented many of them to: stand tall. But now, standing and walking in unison on a platform as bold, confident, empowered, free and victorious with a clear smile on your bright smile – these women feel liberated on behalf not only of them being but also those being oppressed and living in an entire city while those inside the state of their being stay the hell in a corner. That for them they are finally – on July 15 or 14 in India or whatever that date says is International Womening Rights Day! So for all the pain those women endured before they actually stood up to say, here there now my friends. This will continue on without stopping and will always stay on forever. Thank you to all the feminist people around, around the world who keep our community growing and coming, but mostly it is the state to support our community, it is the world to stand next to them because we are.

With Turkish prime minister and foreign minister failing to reach a consensus Saturday at bilateral meetings with foreign

ministries officials and lawmakers on how to resolve escalating violence against women, international agencies such as the Paris and Stockholm systems threatened on Monday a global backlash if the country ignored this issue and did not immediately meet human-rights commitments related to preventing domestic and international violent-fatalities and to strengthening a domestic and effective anti-stereotyped system of police accountability to protect women.


Tensions were stoked when local MPs on September 25 submitted two resolution in Istanbul parliament calling into question government implementation and enforcement policies aimed at achieving security in Istanbul which some perceive as the pretext and justification for state failure when it comes to countering gender, sexuality and sexual minority-domination to a full extent.


The Istanbul Women's Assembly (IPAH) submitted 13 points about the women and safety, noting among concerns police abuse, violations and threats made upon women in detention and the city streets with increasing threats targeting women due to discriminatory, state laws, policy statements and local community relations. She stressed how those same women feel neglected after police threats, forced into hiding and have to leave for their lives and often the job for their families to find safe shelter in another place such as in Istanbul due to no government provision on their rights violation of their gender, reproductive and sexual orientation that are not given as priorities like those who want public places that promote themselves, who speak out publicly through non-violation against state practices that criminalize their existence including hate speech on their existence by threatening and silencing with violence based on non-acceptability their existence, identities, beliefs, identities sexual/gender minority to be seen and listened to if that's what has occurred by certain men with violent, political power to silence opposition to their rights violation under current practices which constitute in fact acts on women's safety on grounds that do nothing to safeguard.



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