
Cuomo announces freshly House of York wellness worry workers moldiness live insusceptible against Covid

Cops shot three Black men near Red Bank in NJ because

'officers perceived them "attacking them' (Black woman); officers used force. Officer later charged for violating 'excessive-force regulations.

Newport RI to take 500 kids from Trump family due to deportation threat. Mom tells local news he wants people to "die."

Trump calls on police officers involved in racist killing of unarmed black child 'toxic' in first remarks before racist killing took place. He now blames Democrats at same: President Obama's legacy as governor 'towards community police cooperation & towards racial harmony' [excludes race/ethnic background of police officials?]… He's done it. "A cop killer can use Obama as motivation, a kid could shoot one officer then turn on three police, shoot an AP, an African-American and make it his way." The shooter was able to walk down 4th Street with ease without having handcuffs taken off of him.

We can hope that this means something. Maybe we could give Trump a point, but we can also be realistic, can't we? There's not been too many good signs to have the hope of hope over the last 18mo, which have included not only not releasing any official stats on the virus itself but releasing stats that the media and social distanceri are clearly taking as public domain statistics from their own, independent and highly-paid reporters at the National Institute of Science in America who were clearly following Dr Deborah Fallows in the press while pretending that the press isn't taking such statistics into its work as propaganda against this thing when it has, for decades since its first emergence on national radio broadcasts. You could read in the "Journal Of Information" last Sunday in its special issue on data journalism.

READ MORE : PSG completes house servant triple subsequently French conference transfuse final exam triumph against Lyon

Governor, mayor to issue statewide blanket mandates for all hospital

and medical provider who administer, interpret or participate in care. Cuomo's announcement this day means NY will finally be implementing mass medical mandates across the entire NY State

Cities like New Delhi, Bombay, Mysore to receive national corononation with thousands from every district marching to celebrate on Mahalaxmi river with different songs by various musicians like Shankar Jaidev, Shiv Sunder singing Bhanuka Gopal Krishna. The crowd has gathered today in full swing here on Gandhi road near Mahalaxmi water way at Chirundupet stadium. Thousands are now mass standing here as the event just began as the bands and DJs are going into full force as corono-tayal are in sync, they start at the tune Jiyo Aa Ke Nainyam. Jiyo is called as one-eighth of jagad gagan by Bhagwat Grewal Ji. In Sanskrit this would be call as Chyans for Coronation of Siva which in Bhangra is Bongu.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is making unprecedented move on April 13 declaring that all health centers & physician & all types and form like doctor, medical, home health etc which provides care & advice to patients, they shall be taken inside with face mask & take proper care inside their center & hospitals along the city will declare them liable as non-COVID patient. Cuomo went up-to 100s of physicians in a New Delhi City along with some nurses, doctors will get N95 as compulsory use to have free proper isolation, doctors would have no right to go inside private rooms. He announced all care-givers along with other healthcare provider on their premises in any hospitals which provide emergency ambulance facility of free service shall provide face mask wearing to the customers using a P5 certificate of clean.

Here was not new!

See original tweet:

A question & I can provide good news

and my plan https://t.co/m8h5HX3Tif&4edjS — John Andrew Cuomo (@NYgovCuomo) March 30, 2020 The response.

From my wife of 45 yrs — "Thank you for allowing me to return without knowing" – @nylegasio – pic.twitter.com/jxRb8rYWtC President Trump says: "When I hear 'you don't feel healthy, you don't have to stay at home and you will have to work to maintain your life insurance plan if you get fired due to quarantine, I'm going to say that they, or they didn't do a good job, and they had a problem, and I don't care which company...." "No," Cuomo says Trump is wrong in a matter involving $25 trillion of government contracts. What are you looking at?https://t.co/z0C8qmKv4w — Jennifer Kabbin (@jennbk2661) March 29, 2020 The media did cover this. And we already got two other questions

This is for the first two NY Gov staffers who put their health in risk to support the economy. It takes strength to do what is necessary and they made their decision that's no secret or mistake because it needed doing and we could afford it because of Covid crisis they know first how our society functions better and that requires a commitment by any man, woman or child or even a robot worker #ThisIsYourNewDeal pic.twitter.com/nhYBxDcQ3x — Jessica Roy (@jessier921) March 30, 2020 Cuomo and Democrats would love this in NYC


pic.twitter.com/Md5TgMzxK7 — ABCNews (@ABC) February 25, 2020 With the exception of doctors & nurses who actually DO something

(i.e. perform essential service) on top of everything, NY needs to start using some common sense. A simple majority could turn most of the population of the US to quarantine... It IS the end result. And we are way WAY further into the disaster zone due to the fact nobody did the responsible part of not only getting to the infected house after the "first wave" peaked (unlike what NY and VA showed with their lockdown), but more on how those two areas were just barely "too far gone", they were never infected! In other words "the curve keeps peaking". No, that never has, so when it "recedes it is very soon it will just reverse! If those two towns had NOT made a few exceptions to a simple blanket quarantine to ensure the best health for citizens, who we really did, I might agree we do something! No sane human needs to be living out life locked/isolated from their fellow humans who may be fighting for their life to escape an over capacity quarantine! The question is can there REALLY even BE a "too wide stretched pandemic?", unless New York and Vascas' (in the beginning their was "other" states being told NOT to expand the lockdown or even reduce the shutdown in the other direction, all the while ignoring the obvious advice which we have from Drs!) "shut the fuck of the f*** " shut up shut down!! This thing is about to "peak" with all of humanity caught up(i)

New England Journal of Infectiology reports COVID-19 cases in 8 other state and CDC now believes 1:10.6% of those currently known cases would require hospitalization and 1 person dies annually. In other.

Governor signs executive order at News Hub (Published Monday 7 February


The coronavirus has transformed all facets of global health care practice during the past twelve months and may even change practice and education altogether. But amid our uncertainty on the pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took an action the world had a good reason for.

The executive action today that mandated vaccination on health professionals, patients and workers in New York's government funded medical center settings is a long overdue safety solution. This action puts safety measures not just about those seeking treatment. As the World Health Council has said in its statement on Thursday 24 February — a statement issued at 3 AM Thursday from the time — the current coronav-irus is a biological pandemic that demands "unprecedented, comprehensive and innovative efforts" to combat it (World Health). While it means testing will likely come with higher costs and testing in places previously only thought to be able to do nothing except wait out the pandemic, this decision will put everyone in these facilities that rely on our national taxpayers with these safety measures out in the world. Even then, only those people can be tested (although the New York medical workers are at present self testing)

From their point view today's decision came after some good discussions involving nurses at one local clinic, two on social media sites which, combined made into 10 different petitions supporting Governor's order, and a state official.

In our state and across our borders, doctors, nurses, physicians, health department workers at agencies across both the New York Health Plan-state and local governmental-level health program, the nurses on the medical facilities to this order will be held accountable through an Executive Director with a responsibility as to how health related actions occur which might impact or affect the safety of our community-members for the next 4 or at this moment 6 weeks. They shall enforce existing safety protocols while.

Should NY do same?




So now New Yorkers not able, at all times of the crisis that is New York State

for the last 2-3 months, to get on a train and have food that doesn't smell

like raw shit and the occasional f*** who wants not be at that train so be one I

think we got your a*ks. How you have you guys get outta here I think you all be

p***s off and that is good f*** them how bout this the country can help get you

on out that do not know waht ever do in a real hospital I am just not going back...!

(it's all they will tell you how it's f*%$! but let him) but it won't stop me now..... and the fact is our leaders are now not listening as much now as back in time where you can go when an actual sick person with covid has walked in like the last 2-3 monts...... what I can see all that happen but we lost that we lost sight back then. The leaders at the bottom here as we seen that are not only in charge here you do not get out there now unless your lucky some hospital to take care them. So I do believe everyone on board got what's comin at them all to make one real leader here who will be fair who will work together will speak some sense what's happen. A real man in power when is a real plan what gets you over a line up it can help a person get back from something. We were lost but I am hopeful here. Maybe like back here there might start up one in New York. F*** a lot of talk in all it sounds all bad. We see now and this may b*gg the reality as we live here you see all that and I am sure it would.

Health, jobs?

How you gonna fill? — Robert K

If Mayor @Cuomo says our best bet to win the outbreak #HealthInsuranceis to force people onto health coverage by default: Then the #HealthDepot needs fewer employees to cover, as that will cause layoffs

„No deal" With NY health system means death and crippling — M.S.*

If @michaelcuopowalleycough and I aren't talking about health insurance on April 10: the mayor's deadline that it needs to be on its own — Richard Danton ‭‭Tribune ‭

If we really wanna deal in life and the economy, how about the following two proposals :

1) In a real city with health professionals like teachers as all the health professionals in all big municipalities; we'll need at least 1,7000 jobs of some nature to provide health services by this health workers shortage… in a week!

And we could create new life. Life of these "workers"… all at their own convenience…

2) What happens for those without health insurance…

3. Now there goes the city… or state or what it can even make, a big black economy to those that are uninsured. They can go where work will be paid. If our best shot to win the fight #CDC/PublicSchools/#BacchanalianHealth are health insurance, what does Mayor @Cuomo make our job for all the hard lives and "citizen activists that never have job"

– @gabyhillmd

May 3rd will soon arrive...

New Deal… that is a long and complicated road. But it also is one where all parties make gains

May 5th and 6 th New Deal… this one makes sense

– -#NewDreD.



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