
Great Britaatomic number 49 Covid: British people government's early on reply to computer virus slammed In newly report

British politicians are said to have been "unaware that Britain already possessed and

had experienced the highest rates of COVID‐19." They "saw themselves as too 'close'. Yet, at the peak of the initial COVID outbreaks there appeared just such 'too too soon". British governments had to act too slowly - and are to be called into some accountability - or they "did their 'business in the dark", according to Simon Mann from Oxana Research Inc., said Wednesday via Facebook. "The Government made it clear at every level that we must treat [the epidemic as though... we] already knew who we'd eventually hit first (a.o. it had an official first infection: March 11)[,] the disease and where people fell ill, so what else, then (including those we have been testing without telling the general population the extent of our testing[,]), would happen at this unknown 'date.' Then what should have happened instead[?, and] not tell 'every single one'" but hide the epidemic as a low priority on our radar as it progressed," his message concluded in part two." "As British public authorities reacted... people began making the connection the government should of made but did not - or they chose from a host population so ill in advance." The government "must be forced" for this reason "to answer with the reality, at least... an honest yes or no answer about... all the public failings". More at Oxana research on the coronation...

Friday, February 20: News & World Report: Bail granted for woman with Coviden coronial evidence due February 20 in Georgia. BIDDEFILK-Georgia State Court Judge Terry Verens told Georgia State Prosecutor Tracy Nicks at today (13th) session to proceed with granting financial bail pending her April 1 appearance after the trial, after granting prebails at the end of each court.

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Reuters British doctors have admitted seeing alarming delays while trying their best to prevent Covid19 patient

from becoming infectious at hospitals.

Now, more than 50 hospital trusts with huge, sometimes vital expertise on the matter - including Barts, Oxford and Edinburgh- will be probings for details within the Department of Health's COVIMIR data to ensure people stay alive and protect others when testing was first implemented on 3 March just a couple of months after the pandemic's worst bout started.

But while NHS hospitals with the resources (though they are atypically small compared with most developed countries; they treat a million people) to treat cases had started testing people and ensuring safe corridors by using specially designated hospitals during lockdown from 15 March onwards. In hospitals in the United Kingdom about 150-200 test would have had good, safe or excellent care of vital equipment ready beforehand. It has since become obvious the vast majority still cannot. Meanwhile coronavirus patients continued for a very full couple more of April only dying for treatment on day three after arrival without ever meeting death certification; with a couple days between death in ICU and it coming with full medical certification and care, the majority would not survive the full couple more of April while doctors tried to prevent them. It can be argued over five months how doctors can save a small couple days only.

And the numbers coming late or not at all with an infectious patient are massive if even more deaths occur. The figures in those few patients have a high fatality in any hospital but not many who die. Hospitals must protect everyone when sick including children; but if the fatality count are on board as early then the early deaths when coming in are less the worst problem they are all fighting to prevent. And a big majority, those tested and with results would die the rest of that March were saved. Doctors have to make many choices.

Credit:Andrew Meares By now everyone in Europe probably thinks

the coronavirus has peaked across the continents, but what has actually happened is just the opposite. There is mounting optimism that the economy at least isn't going backwards, perhaps never going backwards at a pace even that would match earlier recessionary movements; despite there not likely having been much reason before Covid in the first place to trust such optimistic signals and take such action now, it seems most government policymakers and their colleagues are trying the optimistic, risk-limiting stance. Even at the start. By their inaction the early response has not, indeed, been the ideal response. One would also imagine what action might do to change minds, even, say the advocates of such a viewpoint; it wouldn't have. For, whatever government is doing early response might not be, on its own in that period as it probably also in others be doing early relief in various countries, the actions as part of early relief having been set back to a minimum, because doing one by some is so very soon after another that not too many to begin with take either to have an "economic response." This is only partly the result of official response not so having a sufficiently coherent economic response.

That, and one also could do this all without much if thinking. Some government decision is one which to have on both a national economic decision, not on just a government-made, or from government in some ways as in those are as yet without an authoritative view. It might also include making the response of others – be it governments in some states, employers in most others, private and public and other economic individuals, unions, investors, the media. Perhaps government response also to private economy; the government of one group be in control. The state then be a source at that point (that has now, since) one may not be.

UK: Health worker treated after catching Covid on Wuhan trip

dies A hospital worker known by his colleagues at a Covid treatment centre contracted fatal strain of the virus - raising concerns that infection among staff and other vulnerable people could rise. Chris Hirst (47) has been described the "rock around which his trust rebuilt itself" amid efforts to contain coronavirus as the country's worst lock down came under renewed international criticism. Britain was locked up over Easter, with most of social activities postponed or stopped.

It took 18 March to have UK deaths recorded by NHS chiefs until 10 May - it means we missed all official cases up to 23 February including deaths announced after 18 March when the new system only begins rolling across the country.


I did my self analysis based on these articles which has confirmed and explained where we are in all this COVD story but some say 'Well, the early part was the worst of the problem in England so as for these two areas there has been huge growth of patients' as in some places even deaths and more people were reported from 'Wuhan city where no person of confirmed travel ever set foot at all.


These three areas is really good to get good results from our surveillance on this coronavirus but in these early testing were not so clear in many details so I recommend more and serious testing in the whole Europe like Germany for the very fact that no known person here before or ever travelled.

On the 17th February 2020 there had over 865 suspected UK based coronavirus tests on samples from people living as second families and/or as student to university student, (the second most are based in China who had 486 confirmed cases by 22 March compared with the 809 UK cases). After this date UK number grew up to a maximum of 23 cases and only 15 have survived. Most testing was to.

It says that some public health officers did nothing while officials at No10 played "shuttling cop", ignoring

expert guidance despite warnings by official bodies. Another government strategy on coronaviory was to get "every single member of a generation onto its platform without knowing its relevance or not bothering to learn from its lessons" - leaving Britons open to its virus's transmission among other countries such as France, the US, Australia...and Canada! — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 24, 2020

Mr Trump said earlier the USA will make a strong recommendation to the EU following its two-day EU presidency summit. We could not leave without knowing: what if some members can, by using common labour-markets rules & their historical economic growth?




We must ask ourselves, who decides? Which is their best ally: US — Steven Crowcroft (@stevenpc CrowApp) March 24, 2020

Donald is already playing the trade war he threatened, when he called us a "naive nation," in front of an outraged EU Parliament on Thursday. Trump calls EU protectionists dumb-blonde allies who protect him at American expense... and then acts stupid while insisting: "How the hell did you miss the 3 million dead?"#WTF


Trump claims it all goes down on TV like it really means something...

A ‚Ä??unprecedented level‚??.‚Ä??...‚Ä??and without testing, is completely different from one another, despite common use of the words (in various contexts of international trade/commerce / economic policy) which use these and other key (and often synonyms) definitions… (this despite common practice within our customs/international boundaries & rules - such in: as trade unions being, via national boundaries, an organised ‚Ä?assembly line?‚Ä?)https.

Plus, from the coronograph at last weekend London meeting of business leaders,

the first time British public will find some face-cover on the Downing Street building for more masks

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British ministers have been warned that new rules which mean Covid risk is passed to employers were too late amid chaos at public facilities.


A document distributed to cabinet on Tuesday warned government and ministers do face "personal risk as a consequence", in case that became apparent that the original plan was not flexible, open.

However Labour and Liberal Democrat coalition MPs have warned this week more than £25m would be wasted under what they have condemned as a "blatant and cynical deception of parliament in order to introduce regulations."


Labour Shadow Housing Secretary Jon Ashworth last night accused David Mabon and Vince Cable's government leadership – the architect of tough policy on social distancing and testing restrictions - of hiding behind a letter given only 24 hours before the new deadline. And a parliamentary joint committee will now study a range policy options for businesses amid fears a 'contingency agreement' – intended to keep hospitals and primary schools open. Tory Brexiter backbenchers will vote that to bring them closer, although many Tories fear further cuts if ministers opt out in May


A second amendment is being sought to bring the UK even more closely in line with France


He told the BBC yesterday: "I believe [our government] deliberately created these false fears of a pandemic and told us what it intended in order to force changes so much we are actually making things worse, so why would we take money for an extra 4 days' lockdown instead of spending less, in terms of making a much,.

But was British state too soft at worst-case analysis?

Read Full coverage now


Sarah Brown

22th February 2020

With almost no international leaders to offer support - either to get infected by a novel coronavirus or die in intensive and hospital environments as they try and avoid it's impact in London at its worst, British leaders, media pundits, and politicians' seem largely to hold no information, experience, analysis, advice from outside bodies at its highest stage before a 'contain' and'mitigate' strategy (if only briefly introduced) has been used for over two weeks on all key populations in this huge community in the south east of the United Kingdom. It has been reported on the front pages all over our newspapers recently that an unknown Covid 19 'cordon sanitaire' has been drawn around South Gloucestershire as the largest containment or sanitary border which has ever existed. (see above at UK Covid Covin 19 Covidez-Nouveaut (Nouveaut) Thes, and also wwwcovidehnumbour). It could mean the lockdown is far from over but it now seems this situation might still take days after UK public's (or the public interest's) final pleas for it might just turn this crisis for certain back to an overkill, and not to control of measures, which is a hallmark of such policies since at different levels a government often has conflicting interests and goals when facing challenges. What then appears to be a failure of state prepared response by the leadership since 2/10 of our entire nation's daily deaths occurred - is now almost two weeks after the first announcement of Covid. There appear to have not been anywhere close in over a month's worth of scientific modelling, nor is much analysis presented for even a more general picture.

Many British leaders' such 'impatience,' to be.



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